July 13, 2013

Report: POZO

The 14th was the last day of the Wave world cup in Pozo. Most of you may know we didn’t get any official results. This is […]
July 28, 2013

Sylt & Dutch Wave Championships

Amigooos ! It’s been a while ! Not much windsurfing after the event in Brouwersdam. I’ve been on the water exactly one time since then.The day […]
July 6, 2014

Report: Pozo

AWO! Just finished the first PWA wave event of the year in Pozo, Gran Canaria. We didn’t get the epic conditions everybody expects from this spot. […]
August 14, 2014

Tenerife PWA WAVE

4th of August-10th of August After an amazing freestyle week in Fuerte and a proper closing party, with practically no sleep involved, Maxime van Gent and […]
December 8, 2014

PWA aloha classic

Maui: Rainbow capital of the world & the PWA aloha classic My 6 week trip to Maui (Combined with one week in New Caledonia) was absolutely […]