August 12, 2021Lake Garda Foil trainingHi Everyone!After my trip to Pozo it was time for foil training in Lake Garda before the IQ foil worlds in Silvaplana, Switzerland. We got a […]
August 29, 2021Silvaplana 2021Silvaplana was a blast once again. This year I was invited for the tow-in and I competed in the IQ foil division.I was on the go […]
August 29, 2021Israël Slalom World CupWhat a rush to finally be drag racing around the slalom course with 10 other women again!The confirmation of the event in Israël came a bit […]
September 22, 2021Foiling international Games in ItalyFirst foiling contest in the pocket!I really started foiling back in December when the Dutch team came to train with us in Aruba! The goal was […]